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Increase e-mail opens by doing this one thing! via @mateomedia

Hey there, so my wife Traci launched a bracelet shop,

Sending Serendipity and I have been helping her with some e-mail marketing. Here is a simple tip you can do to increase the open rate and click rate of a marketing e-mail.

Here is the e-mail I sent to Sending Serendipity's subscriber list using my mailchimp account:

Subject: Sweet Gifts For $5 Bucks

My wife has a subscriber list of 610 friends, family ,co-workers, and social media contacts. I sent the above e-mail promoting $5 bracelets to these subscribers using mailchimp. The e-mail was sent to the 618 subscribers and was opened 234 times the Shop link was clicked 9 times. Usually I send the e-mail, wait a few hours then check the results, then i'm done.

This time I checked out who did not open the initial e-mail and the following day I sent the same e-mail to the subscribers on the list who did not open the first e-mail. The risk is they open both e-mails, and unsubscribe or report as spam. (this did not happen)

The advantage far out weighs the risk. The second e-mail had 84 more opens and 4 more link clicks on the Shop button. The same e-mail received a total of 318 opens, 50% of the subscriber list. The total was 13 link clicks sending interested buyers to this e-mail resulted in 3 sales totaling $96.50. Most importantly 1 of the largest sales of $43.50 resulted only after the 2nd e-mail was sent! I used the same e-mail, the same list, but increased the open rate to over 50%.

Next time you spend your precious time putting together that perfect e-mail, do yourself a favor, look at the results and see what opportunities are available to increase reach and conversions of your e-mail.


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Check back for more to come about what was sent to the contacts who did open the marketing e-mail, but didn't act, I sent something to them to!

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