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With all the Social Media Noise, How do you amplify your message?

RISE ABOVE THE NOISE With A HeadTalker Campaign.

HeadTalker allows you to share a message with unlimited people at once for free.
Create a compelling social media post including a link for traffic. (This can be a link to your website, social media page, crowdfunding campaign, where ever you want traffic to go to.)

Gather supporters for your campaign. (Your supporters will share your message on their social media profile to their followers.) Once your campaign has reached it's supporters goal your message will be shared at the same time by your campaign supporters on their social media pages. (This creates a sharing frenzy of your message across twitter, facebook, tumblr and LinkedIn.) Typically this results in hundreds of unique visitors to your website! Below are a few recent campaigns.

With so much noise on the internet why not amplify your message and who knows maybe you will go VIRAL. HeadTalker is FREE and easy to use, but if you ever need help starting a campaign or would like us to run one for you let us know!

Some Video Tips To Get Your HeadTalker Campaign Supported

Check out all these Fiverr Reviews For Our HeadTalker Gig!

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