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Twitter Followers To Clients

Hey there. What up, its Mateo! Do you want to convert Twitter followers to customers? Are you finding out it’s not as simple as tweeting your website hoping people visit and buy your products or contact you for services? I’m going to share what has been successful for me. How I utilize Twitter and convert followers into paying clients. I’ve shared some Twitter Tips before, but hopefully this will give some additional insight to grow your business on Twitter and every social media platform.

This is a no-brainer but I see this over and over again, it’s imperative to have a complete Twitter profile. It should represent you personally, your business, product or service. Take time, don’t rush it. Complete contact information, and profile description. All web links should be working, contact information accurate, Twitter cover picture and profile picture.

Each and every business is different. I’m going to discuss my business and who I connect with. I connect with startups, small business owners, and sales professionals. Whatever product or service you are selling duplicate my strategy with your target audience. A local yogurt shop in Los Angeles is typically selling to consumers within a geographical area around their business. A business selling healthcare products online will have a larger and different target audience. Have you identified a target market and audience? Keep this in mind when connecting with others on Twitter.

It’s important to be active and tweeting. Have a full day of tweets scheduled or be sure to manually tweet a minimum of 6-7 times a day. What do you tweet? A mix of content related to your business. Have a theme for twitter and the content you tweet. I tweet social media marketing tips from Influencers like @buffer @jeffbullas or @SMExaminer. I also share my original content of blogs, projects I'm working on, funny gifs, and my client’s tweets as well. I do my best to tweet 10 times a day. I aim for 6-7 of those tweets to be non promotional or sales content, but rather content that appeals to my audience. The other 2-3 Tweets are about me, blogs I have written, links to sign up for the Re-Tweet club or join my E-mail list to get my blogs before they go online. Tweets from your business account should include this mix. Share interesting content related to your industry and mix in some tweets about your business! If you run a gym or are a personal trainer tweet about your local community, healthy food recipes, exercise tips, inspiring quotes along with current sign up specials or promotions of your business. To save time tweets can be scheduled with a great application like BufferApp or Hoot Suite.

Once you've scheduled a full day of tweets, start following people! Search #hash-tags on Twitter related to your business. I search #crowdfunding #startups #smallbiz #RealEstate #Chandler #Arizona #Tempe. Searching # hash-tags related to your business is an easy way to find people already talking (tweeting) about what you do!

Follow these accounts, favorite a few tweets, or even Re-Tweet (RT) a few tweets you like. Every time you follow, RT or favorite a tweet the person you followed, RT or favorite will receive a notification directly to their phone. In some cases this person will follow back, favorite your tweet or at the very least glance at your twitter profile to see who you are. When someone follows back, create a list on Twitter to keep track of this follower. Twitter lists can be public or private and is a great way to keep up with your most important Twitter connections. When businesses or sales professionals follow me on Twitter I check out their Twitter profile. If they have a small following and not tweeting often I add them to a Private List on Twitter I have created called "LEADS". These are people or businesses on Twitter, but may need some help. I like to help. I also thank each follower with a quick tweet.

"Thanks for following. Really cool of you, I wish you continued success!”

Add your own voice to this make it you! Now don’t start tweeting and directing messaging (DM) this prospect telling them how awesome you are they don’t care. They are still just a random follower at this point that has possibly been identified by you as someone that may need your help, buy your product or possibly turn into a Customer. Continue to build your following on twitter. Don't be afraid to follow people using the #hashtags related to your business. When you follow people you will get followers as well that you might want to add to your “Lead List.”

When a follower is on my “Lead List” I check out what they are tweeting. It's easy to do! Just go to your "Lead List" you created on twitter to stay in touch with your potential leads. What are they tweeting? Is there a tweet you can favorite, respond to or possibly RT. It's OK to favorite a couple tweets and if there is a tweet that you really like go ahead and RT it! Remember when you favorite a tweet or RT a tweet your “Lead” is going to get a notification that you did this. This is a great way to get them to notice you without asking for anything. They will be happy with the RT and Favorite. This lead may even return the favor and RT you or at the very least check out your profile again to see what you are all about. Do this for a week or two before you make any direct sales contact. It’s possible they may even reach out to you as well and start asking questions. After a week of checking out this lead, send them a Direct Message on Twitter and make it personal (not an automated tweet via some service). If a “Lead” I'm following is developing a mobile app for example. I will DM something like this…

Hey there how is the app coming along? If there is anything I can help with or a specific tweet you would like me to share? Let me know I’m happy to do it – Mateo

This is great way to make direct contact and let the lead know you exist, you want to help and you are not asking for anything. If there is not a response to your DM that's OK most may not get a response. Continue to keep an eye on their tweets and a few days later send them a similar message as a mention @

@oliverwhalenmtg Hey there I wish you continued success. If I can help with anything let me know. Have an awesome day!

Don’t go for the knock out sales pitch immediately people will un-follow you and identify you as a spammer. In any relationship online or offline building trust, adding value, being sincere and timing of the prospect wants or needs has to be established before a sale is made. This is even more important online. Stay in touch with your leads in a sincere way, they know what you do and if and when they need your help you want to stay top of mind. Asking a stranger on the street to fill out a form or listen to a 5 minute sales pitch doesn’t happen, it’s not going to happen on Twitter either. Being a real human interested in others and providing value will drastically increase your business and convert your Twitter followers to customers.

This interaction is not going to guarantee a client or sale but now that Twitter follower is a warm prospect who knows you exist. Use your Twitter list to network with your potential prospects. It could take days to turn these leads into clients or it may take years. Interacting, showing genuine interest and staying in touch can turn your followers into customers. These simple strategies will increase your success not just on Twitter but all of your social media platforms. There will always be the "overnight success" or new hot product that goes viral, but for the rest of us it takes good old fashioned networking and hard work to convert followers to customers. What are your most successful Twitter strategies? I would love to hear them. Let’s #beNICE to Each Other!



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