Are you wasting all of your great content on Facebook?
Don't Miss Out On The Twitter Party! Get Re-Tweet's, See What's Trending, Popular Hashtags, Mentions, Followers and So Much More!
Have you noticed that wonderful post you created and spent hours on is barely getting noticed on your Facebook business page? Check your insights on Facebook sometime. How many page views, post impressions, comments or likes are you getting? Unless you are paying Facebook to boost your posts or running sponsored ads the reach is non existent. Have you tried posting your content on Twitter? Twitter is one of the best social media platforms to get organic traffic to notice you. That traffic consists of website visits, mentions, ReTweets and even more profile views. Check out the analytics from my Twitter account of @be_nicemedia compared to the analytics on my beNICEmedia Facebook Page over the past 28 days!
28 days of Twitter
28 Days of Facebook
Take a look at the impressions on Twitter compared with the people reached on Facebook. Over 50K more impressions on tweets than Facebook Posts. I added 375 more followers on Twitter compared with 121 more people liking my page on Facebook. 121 New Page Likes on Facebook in 28 days is not typical. I spent $5.00 bucks on Facebook to boost a post earlier this month. That boosted post increased the Page Likes and Reach. I had to pay Facebook for more people to see my posts. On Twitter there was no money spent. 1,102 people went beyond just seeing my tweets and checked out my profile as well. This is like me giving them my business card with all of my information to contact me. On Facebook only 269 people went beyond just seeing my posts and actually visited my page. This is a brief snapshot of a huge audience you may be missing out on connecting with on Twitter. If you are sharing on Facebook why not Twitter? Do you need some help getting started on Twitter? Check out some recent blog posts to get you on the right track!
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