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Go Viral With HeadTalker

Hey it's me Mateo! Do you wanna go viral? HeadTalker is a cool application where hundreds of people share your social media post on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and LinkedIn at the same time and date. This results in hundreds of unique visitors to your website, social media profile, crowdfunding campaign or landing page. Below are results from a recent HeadTalker Campaign.

HeadTalker allows people to join together in order to help get a social media message heard around the web. Rather than donating money to a campaign or fundraiser, donate your Social Reach. All you have to give is one Tweet, Facebook post, LinkedIn post, or Tumblr post on a specific day and time from your profile. When this post is shared at the same time and date, more people will see it while on their favorite social media site. This brings more awareness of your business, project or brand with this organized social media sharing frenzy! Contact me for some tips.

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