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  • Writer's pictureHippotecca

Tips to get your home offer accepted

Purchasing a home in a sellers market is becoming super competitive for home buyers. Gone are the days of a Pre-Approval Letter and Full Price Offer was all that was needed to guarantee an accepted offer from the seller on your home purchase. As homes continue to sell within hours of hitting the open market and record setting mortgage rates it's now more important than ever to position your purchase offer apart from the crowd of other anxious home buyers.

Consider some of these tips when making that purchase offer on your next home.

1) Offer above asking price

2) Large Earnest Money Deposit

3) Waive Appraisal Contingency

4) No Inspection Contingency

5) Quick Closing Date

6) Strong Financing (Large Down Payment)

7) Don't Ask For Personal Items in offer

8) Offer To Buy Home As-Is

9) Offer Seller Post Occupancy if needed (time for seller to find another home)

10) Submit A Letter with your offer to the Seller Listing all the pros of your offer and personal attachment to wanting to purchase the home.

11) Cash Offer (No Financing if an option)

12) Sense of Urgency (Let all parties know that you will do whatever it takes to make this work)

13) Pay Sellers Closing Costs (Title Co Fees, Recording Fees Etc.)

Keep in mind not all home buyers are the same and everyone's individual financial situation is different. Buying a home Cash may not be an option, but having a Full Loan Approval, with a quick closing date and waiving a home inspection may be all that it takes for your accepted offer. Consult with your Mortgage Professional and Real Estate Agent before implementing any of these tips for your home purchase offer. In some cases an appraisal or inspection may be required for your loan program. Once your offer is accepted there is still much to do before closing can occur. Don't put yourself in a position where you cannot perform on your purchase contract and comply with the terms of your offer and further delay your home buying goals.

Talk with your Real Estate Agent and Loan Officer once you are approved have a purchase offer plan in place in case you are competing with multiple home buyers for your next home purchase.

-Hippotecca Staff

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