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George Aplicano with Cash Now Homes on The Wholesaling Inc Podcast.

Updated: May 9, 2021

George Aplicano CEO of Cash Now Homes Joins The Wholesale Inc. Podcast. #RealEstatePodcast #CashNowHomes

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For two decades, today’s hardworking guest had a stable job. While he earned a substantial amount, he knew what he was making won’t make him financially free. So, he took a leap of faith and ventured into something life-changing: wholesaling.

George Aplicano has been running a thriving wholesaling business for four years now. Successful and financially-free, there’s no denying taking a chance is one of the best decisions he has ever made.

In this episode, George shared how his wholesaling journey started, what his current business structure is like, and the three things they track. He also provided a breakdown of one of his most lucrative deals.

If you’re considering taking a leap of faith but unsure if it’s worth it, today’s episode might just give you the clarity you need, so don’t miss it!

Key Takeaways

  • His background and how he got started in real estate

  • How he finds sellers

  • Top three things they track in their business

  • What his company looks like right now

  • Breakdown of his most lucrative deal

  • Biggest spread from wholesaling so far

  • Top 3 things wholesalers need to focus on.

Cash Now Homes


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