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Getting a Mortgage without Traditional Trade Lines (No car loan, credit cards, no problem)

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Understanding your credit can be the difference between becoming a home owner now, or three years from now! In this episode of our 4 part series.

Traci Gratzek (ROCK Star LO at NOVA Home Loans) and yours truly. We are gong to talk about building NON Traditional Credit! This is a great topic, I learned so much from just this 90 second episode, I am sure you will too. Of course, we certainly hope you reach out to us, when you're ready to buy! She and I have been working together for nearly a decade, we seldom close late and seldom say no. We may not get every person that calls us out shopping today, but we have sold many homes to those needed a little "love" along the way.

Traci Gratzek The Mortgage Woman 602-762-7676

Chris Dunham, The Real Estate Guy™ 602-321-6188

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